
Showing posts from October, 2018

Know your gemstone’s purpose before buying it

Know your gemstone’s purpose before buying it Jasper gemstone is being used since ancient times by priests, shaman, and kings to persuade the healing powers. This stone is considered one of the most sacred and powerful divine aid and it can be used in jewelry as well. Moreover, ancient Egyptians also used the name Jasper in their ritual vessels, talisman, and jewelry. Majority of the people get this gemstone embedded in their necklace, bracelet, pendant and earrings with different variants such as Biggs Jasper, African Jasper, Carrasite Jasper, Imperial Jasper and oceanic Jasper.  Oceanic Jasper Bracelet   with precious stone   is also in demand nowadays. It is not easy that you can implant any stone in your jewelry and expect the direct result as it also depends on your astrological sign that further enhances the benefit of the right gemstone. Apart from the Jasper there are other gemstones available like Rose Quartz and Amethyst Cheery. They also help in some other w

Advantages of different varieties of Gemstones

Blue Agate is a stone of communication that gives encouragement and support. It can also be used as a Third Eye to pacify the over-active mind and helps those people who are not comfortable to share their thoughts with some other person. Blue Agate with Pearl was discovered by Neolithic people and it is used to healing distress mind. The popularity of this stone is around the world as it also served the medical purpose through the Ancient Greek Egyptian civilization and reached out to Africa, Russia, and Middle-East. Not only Blue Agate is in demand, there are three other gemstones Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli and Pink Jasper also popular. Rose Quartz Pendant is for love rituals and ceremony which is being used for centuries and it is made by the silicon dioxide. In Roman, Greek and Egyptian civilization, Rose Quartz also signified talisman or leadership quality which would depict the successful mantra. On the other hand, Lapis Lazuli is a most valuable g

Power of these precious gemstones on your life

Did you know all the gemstones are just minerals that are cut and shaped in utterly beautiful ways? These stones are extracted from mines and sea base, have a great impact on human lives. Ever since the humankind came into existence, many believers used to wear these stones as a source that protects them from negative energies. Other than beliefs, people have felt many noticeable changes in their lives and regardless of the gradation, people still wear it as a source to attract certain kind of changes. Despite of the fact that there are countless stones on the earth, all with different meanings and purposes, you will know the benefits of Almandine garnet, Blue Topaz, and Oceanic Jasper in this article. · Power of Almandine garnet The stone has a deep wine color that makes it eye catching. People who deal with short temper and have panic and fear attacks should wear it. How can you put it on? While men can wear it through a ring studded with almandine garnet, women can go for almand

Significance of Quartz and garnet in life

With uncountable patterns and colors of gemstone, rose quartz and garnet are most popular among all. Not only because they have a captivate appearance, but they have some great significance on our lives as well. Since ages, people wear these stones by studding them into jewelry pieces. If you have noticed, garnet earrings are very popular among women from every corner of the world, whereas men wear garnet rings. Talking about the power these stones holds, they really affect our lifestyle and lead it towards the positive direction. Where garnet has healing power and a spiritual influence over our bodies, rose quartz gives peace and love to mind. Can anyone wear it? Many astrologers also claim that, by putting on rose quartz earrings , one can have the right influence on her life. This stone emits powerful radiations around you that keeps you on a calm state of mind and attracts love in your life. The best part is, it is effect on everyone, no matter what your sun and moon sign is.

3 amazing benefits of wearing an orbicular jasper bracelet!

Gemstones and crystals have always been appreciated for their exceptional healing properties and beautiful appearances. You can carry these gemstones by putting them into the bracelets, rings, pendants, and other pieces of jewelry. Among the range of gemstones and crystals, Jasper, Amethyst Quartz and Rose Quartz are the ones that have won millions of hearts by blocking all the ways for the negative energy and by bringing in immense joy in the life of the wearer. For example, you can get an Amethyst & Rose Quartz bracelet and then forget all the worries; the bracelet helps you attain peace and harmony. Likewise, stone named Jasper helps in dealing with all kinds of disappointments. Check out the other three fabulous benefits it delivers: 1. Promotes positivity and prosperity        Available in a variety of colors (Red, Blue, Yellow, etc.), Jasper boosts up the positivity as it is powerfully connected to the Sun. It stabilizes your solar plexus chakra to minimize